Golf Clubs have raised tee-riffic amounts over the years for the Birmingham Children’s Hospital Charity. Just last year our local clubs raised £112,000! This incredible amount is un-fore-gettable, in every way!

The clubs make this happen by putting on various fundraising events, such as themed golf days, tournaments and sporting challenges.

Birmingham Children’s Hospital is a leading UK special paediatric centre that offers expert care to over 100,000 children every year and treats 1 in 5 children from Birmingham and 1 in 8 from the wider region.

The funds raised benefit the hospital in so many ways, it could be by helping to fund a newly refurbished ward or playroom, a state-of-the-art piece of equipment, some ground-breaking research, or even with a distracting toy for a child having a dressing changed.

The fundraising team provide wide-ranging support throughout the journey to ensure our golf clubs smash their targets, have fun, engage the whole golf club in season-long fundraising initiatives and importantly do more for our sick kids.

Combine your love for the sport with your love for helping a good cause and support Birmingham Children’s Hospital this autumn/winter and into 2024.

To enquire about fundraising, please email or call the charity on 0121 3338506.