With Anders Mankert – Advanced Fellow of the PGA and owner of Leicester Golf Centre

The fastest way to reduce your scores this year will almost certainly come from improved putting. A small improvement can yield serious rewards.

The key to achieving this lies in reducing unwanted wrist action (pic 1) and keeping everything moving as one unit which keeps the face square (pic 2).

To achieve this it is imperative to hold the putter in the palm of the left hand which will lock the wrists in place and eliminate the unwanted wrist movement. The putter grip should run along the lifeline making the putter an extension of the left forearm. (pic 3) It should never rest in the fingers (pic 4).

For all other shots, gripping in the fingers is an advantage because it creates more wrist action which increases distance but this is totally opposite when putting. Try putting the grip in the left palm and see how many putts you start holing this year!

For lesson enquiries at LGC contact Anders – andersmankert@yahoo.co.uk