Gracie Murray is 15 years old and was diagnosed out of the blue with type 1 diabetes in February this year after a very harrowing few weeks and a short stay in hospital. This news was so worrying, unexpected and completely shook our family. We all had to be educated.
Gracie is a keen golfer and plays to a very high standard for Northamptonshire County Girls and has competed in ladies golf tournaments for a few years now. Her initial reaction to her diagnosis was “what about my golf, how can I carry on, my dreams of becoming a pro golfer are shattered.” Gracie knew the diagnosis was life-changing for her and as a family, we were all devastated.
Those feelings quickly changed when we gained the amazing support of The Kettering Diabetes Support Group Trust at Kettering General Hospital. They helped us get back on track so much with their love and patience and we are forever grateful to them.
This brings me on to say that Gracie’s diagnosis has spurred her on even more and she is now back competing as a single figure golfer and junior captain at Kettering Golf Club. Her life will never be the same again but we are immensely proud of her for picking herself up and never giving up on her dream.
She is turning a negative situation in her life and turning it into a positive. That’s when she decided to host her first charity golf day to give something back to The Kettering Diabetes Support Group Trust and to support other talented golfers like herself. This has taken months of planning and the support for her day has been mind-blowing. She is delighted to be raising awareness of children/young adults with Type 1 diabetes and is such an inspiration already to us and so many people and is certainly trying to make the world a more positive, loving and kind place.
The Kettering Golf Club Lady Captain (Amanda Campbell) and her Team won 1st on the day with 86 points and Gracies team were a close second with 85 points.
Club Captain (Sean Suddards) has already said “What a day to remember! Great fun with so many happy people both inside and outside of Kettering Golf Club. A beautiful occasion in aid of such a worthy cause. Well done to The Murray family, Nick, Suzanne, Gracie and Tillie for organising the event of the year.”