The Golden Poppys – Just the Ticket
In 2017 MG helped Gaudet Luce GC promote their 2018 society campaign which included a special prize. They posted out a number of society brochures to local groups; inside one of them was a golden ticket to win a full society day at the club.
The lucky winners were Poppys GS from Bulkington in Warwickshire and on Sunday 2nd September they enjoyed a great day out –
The society was formed in January 2016 after several months of planning and organising. They are based locally from Poppys Venue (formerly the Bulkington War Memorial Club) and play monthly competitions around the area within a 40 mile radius. The competitions comprise of The Society Championship (The Alan Ward Trophy) The Par 3 Cup (The Val Russell Trophy), played over 8 separate venues, the Winter League Pairs Competition, played over 5 separate venues, The Poppys Open (The Shaun Hale Trophy) and of course, The Captains weekend away.
They maintain close ties with the club and raise funds for the Bulkington veterans and Warwickshire and Solihull Blood Bikes, based around their frequent visits to bunkers and water hazards during society rounds!
Each Poppys monthly event has a trophy to compete for, and all trophies are named after fallen soldiers, heroes whose names appear on the war memorial in the churchyard at St James Church in Bulkington.
In a short space of time Poppys numbers have grown to 36 members, with many others entering events as guests. They run mixed format days out, an annual Order of Merit and a winter league, rounds held at North Warwickshire GC.
Poppys welcome new members and guests at their events – contact chairman Simon for further details – or find them on FB/Twitter and Instagram.