St Thomas Association GS


The Golf Society was formed in February 2000 by golf playing members of St Thomas’ Association in Erdington. The society now boasts over 50 members and we play a range of courses all over the Midlands. Occasionally we trek further afield. We tend to play twice a month and we have a Presidents day and a Captains day – both days usually involve a coach trip which are usually very entertaining in themselves.
At least once a year we have a society weekend away which normally consists of a two night stay with three rounds of golf. This year we travelled even further afield than usual to the wonderful courses at La Manga in Spain – it was so successful that we will be booking it again for next year. For this particular trip we even had a STAG return from Australia just to specifically play with us (and to see his family I suppose) – Jim Daly – our Captain’s brother.
Our members handicaps range from scratch to 28 so we have a wide range of players who all encourage each other – as well as berate for the occasional air shot or miss-hit – we still await the society’s first ever hole-in-one!!!
We hold a monthly meeting on the first Friday of every month at the club where we discuss all sorts of matters that have arisen over the past month. This is a great opportunity for us to celebrate the past months victories, any controversial issues and, of course, to socialise with a great bunch of people.
Once a year we hold a charity dance where we raise money for local charities. Past charities have included Acorns, The Norman Laud Association, Help for Heroes, The QE Hospital, The John Taylor Hospice and The Birmingham Children’s Hospital. Since our formation we have raised over £22,500 for local charities.
Our members comprise of people from all walks of life and usually have some outrageous stories to tell. Our current captain is David Logue with his Vice Captain Chris McGrath. Our President is the much respected John Costello and our society secretary is Brendan Reilly. Brendan organises all of our trips and courses that we play at – he’s renowned for rounding the fee for our rounds up!!!
We would love to see some new faces around the society and you can contact us through our website



ON THE TEE LOGOIf you are a local Midlands golf society and would like to make your own contribution to The Wall, and in the magazine’s new society section (#No Gimmes), please contact us by e-mailing Phil at or registering your details via our Society Registration Form