The Branston Dobbers
Branston Dobbers were formed in early 2014 by a collective looking for a good time while playing the beautiful game of golf. The group was formed by a group of five friends known as the ‘originals’ who like to play and have side bets,banter and a beer after a hard day on the course. This quickly spiralled into the newest up and coming society to hit the Branston Golf & Country Club in many years.
The Dobbers currently have 30 active members from all walks of life including five female members, of which 20 or so play weekly at our regular Saturday 8.30-9am tee times.
The first ‘Major’ of the Dobbers season was the ‘Dead Duck Trophy’ played in May (to commemorate the life of a young duck tragically killed on the course by a rogue ‘snap hook’) which was won by none other than 2014/2015 Captain Stuart Haywood.
As our popularity grew, a second ‘Major’ was pencilled in for the summer to co-incide with Ryder Cup weekend against another society from Branston known as ‘The Squids’ .This attracted a very large crowd to the patio area for the climax which was an 11/11 tie after 2 days of singles and doubles matches. All money raised went to the 2014 Branston Captain’s Charity, Canine Partners.

Apparently – THE best looking society in The Midlands – The Branston Dobbers
The first winter event was played between The Dobbers & the ‘Chicken Club’ (Burton GC society). This event was played at Burton on a brisk Sunday morning with the Dobbers running out winners and taking the trophy home.
Up to date in 2018, the Dobber’s travels have continued, a trip to La Manga in October 2016 was a memorable players and partners occasion. Plus we’ve recently teamed up with another group, The Wolves Supporters GS for a very enjoyable match up at Penn GC.
The Dobbers are looking for other local societies to join up with for friendly matches, get in touch by e-mailing them at
If you are a local Midlands golf society and would like to make your own contribution to On the Tee, both in the magazine and online, please contact us by e-mailing Phil at or registering your details via our Society Registration Form